Monday, 13 May 2013

So Let's Talk About Working Out!

In my last post I told you all about me joining a new gym called GYM BOX, Well now I want to tell you all about my workouts that I've had at this fantastic gym. So the first day I got there I decided to just leisurely walk round and check out all the equipment and rooms available for classes. Well I ended up getting a little bit excited and having a go at almost every single machine in there. They have something for everyone, and I mean everyone! Also all the equipment that they have in this gym is high spec so you get to do things like access the Internet, play music from your IPhone, book in your next class, Or even book a fantastic holiday because in no time you'll be achieving your goals and have that perfect beach body ;) They even have a screen in the middle of the gym with motivational quotes to give you that extra kick when times are getting tough. I also noticed on my journey around the gym that they have a live DJ playing perfect music to train to. How cool is that!
Well if you fancy joining this gym and having fun whilst you train then get in touch via

The classes I booked in for were:
Dance Cardio - This class in not specifically for "dancers" its for anyone who LOVES to dance and move to the groove. It was lots of fun and the instructor was accommodating to all levels of fitness. We worked out to songs from artists such and Chris Brown & Rihanna so it was nice to be able to sing along too... even though I tried not to let anyone hear me. Hey we all do that right? LOL. I came out of the class felling like I had a full body workout with lots of fun.

Pilates - This class was a little more serious but also very interesting, as you get to learn about your core and also about the spine which is obviously very important to us all but we seem to always forget to look after this part of our body properly. In this class you will exercise the entire body and feel lengthened and tonned by the end of the session. I would say you have to be focused in this class to get the best out of it and it will also help you get in tune with your core and inner strength.


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