Saturday, 19 October 2013

To Gym Solo or with a GYMBOX "VERY PT"

Another day of going to the gym, I began a routine of incline treadmill walking and squats to try and target my glutes to help improve my shape without adding too much muscle to my quads. Most of us women don't want to look too masculine and have a fear of getting too bulky which is why the majority of us stay out of the over crowded and testosterone filled weights room.
By chance a trainer passed by and we had a quick chat about training and lifestyle, I was quite intrigued by his training principles and ideas and decided to do a session with him to find out more.

My first session with Gymbox Very Personal Trainer Richie Byrne turned out to be very informative and I actually learned what I thought was the right thing to do in the gym actually turned out not to be doing me any favours at all. I also learned a whole host of training tips that will no doubt improve my training sessions and results in the future.

Richie has worked with some of the top sports specialists in Britain and his exercise programming and knowledge are a cut above. He is 100% devoted to helping people reach their goals and have a great time whilst accomplishing them.

We did a 45 minute workout that was intense, demanding, fun and most of all left me feeling like I really had worked to my maximum. Something many of us don't do in the gym. We go and train but do we actually train to our full potential ...? Many of us go through the motions and work up a sweat, but you can sweat by sitting still in a sauna, sweat does not mean you are going to get results. You must push your body to the extreme to induce a adaptation, meaning your body will change to be able to do the tasks you are giving it more easily.
We did a glute workout that really targeted the areas I wanted and I am still feeling the effects 2 days later!!!
We have both decided to put me on an intense training program to see how much of a change we can get in our dedicated time with diet change and hard core training. I will be posting up my progress for you so you can see how it all works ;)
If you would like to enquire about training with Richie please contact GYMBOX Holborn on 020 7400 1919 

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